
Once more…With Streaming!

As you may or may not know, I am a “streamer” now. I use the term very loosely, as I am just starting out and still learning what I can and cannot do with the equipment that I have at my disposal at the current moment. That being said, even with the slightly negative feelings of not having a true gaming/streaming computer, doing this has really reignited that spark of playing WoW. 

Just off the top of my head, I would say its because, even though I may not be the most social person in-game, I DO like the idea of using voice chat during raids and dungeons, whether to talk strategy pre-fight or make adjustments during the fight. Now, while I am mostly streaming a lot of my adventures in the LFG system and 5-man dungeons (with no voice chat), streaming allows me to vent either my joy or frustration over said adventures!

Suffice to say, streaming has really brought it to my attention, that when it comes to my adventures in Azeroth, I want to share them with the community. While Tamori and I might not be able to do the podcast anymore (we are still talking about bringing it back in some form or another), I can at least try to give you all some insight as to what I am doing within the lands of Azeroth, and that makes me feel as good as doing the podcast used to. 

Anyway, I think that is all for this particular post. You can find me streaming over at  I don’t really have a schedule that I am following, but give me a follow and you should get notifications of when I go live!

That’s all for now. May all your quests be fruitful and may all of your loots be EPIC!

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