Here are the people that I have run dungeons with in the last couple of days.
Character Name Server Race / Class
The Deadmines – Aprilnova
Illodri Wyrmrest Accord Blood Elf Rogue
Hallard Lightning’s Blade Tauren Warrior
Farainga Lightning’s Blade Tauren Druid
Millard Terenas Troll Hunter
Dire Maul (Warpwood Quarter) – Cowbobz
Mashul Emerald Dream Orc Warlock
Deathandi Andorhal Blood Elf Death Knight
Kronnot Andorhal Tauren Paladin
Natashaa Kel’Thuzad Orc Shaman
Kavnic Stormrage Vulpera Warlock
Thank you all for being a part of the journey of whichever character you ran into! Good luck out there and may all your loot be epic!