
The Return of an Old Tradition…

That’s right, peeps! It’s dungeon running time again, and that means it’s shout-out time! The list could be long everyday, because there have been a LOT of dungeon runs, be it The Headless Horseman daily on most of my toons, or the various others that are being run in order to get all my toons up to 50.

So here we are with the shout-outs for October 27, 2020:

Headless Horseman: Septemberr, Rottenegg, Sandoe and Cololpink

Shadow Labrynth: Fizzybits, Vojin, Qnz and Gernet

Halls of Lightning: Foccy, Wonponch, Crievous and Bergamot

That was all for today, stay tuned over the coming days, the shout-outs will continue! For now, be safe out there and may all your loot be epic!

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