
The Newest Member of the Roster

I have been struggling with a name for a new character since I unlocked the Vulpera allied race a few weeks ago. I knew that I wanted to make a warlock since I was having a lot of fun playing one on the classic side of things. I really hope that it translates well into how things are in retail now.

Anyway, I also want to go back and try to unlock some of the other allied races as well. I am most interested in the Nightfallen since I really like the elvish races of Azeroth and from what I have seen, these new elves are pretty interesting. I’m sure that eventually, I will have all of the allies unlocked but these two races are my first priorities.

So back to the point that I was originally making (sorry for bouncing back and forth like this, but you guys should come to expect that from me by now. I mean nothing has really changed since the show went off the air.). I finally made my little fox warlock. 

So here she is! Aprilnova, the Vulperan warlock!



A New Challenger Has Arrived

So as I was saying before, it is really cool blowing through the higher-end content in the game, because that is what sticks in my mind the most since its what Zebgora has the most memories of.

However, there is quite a bit to be said for the lower-level dungeon content as well! Running my newly rediscovered druid (who was level 10 when I started playing him again) is now 23 (at the time of posting) and going through dungeons such as Ragefire Chasm, Wailing Caverns and Shadowfang Keep, I discovered that they changed the bosses, even ever so slightly since the Cataclysm. 

It has been an interesting quest, to say the least. I had the idea after getting Amontillado leveled up to 80. So I picked up a character that I had not touched in a long time, along with a class that I have not played since my very first character ever when I had my 10-day trial, a druid!

I had to actually quest until I got him up to level 15 so that LFG could kick in but after that, the levels started rolling in rather quickly. It has also been fun using websites to figure out rotations for abilities and spells and everything, along with talent points and stuff like that.

It greatly depends on how long this quarantine stuff goes on, but I may have quite the diverse selection of level 50+ characters by the end of it if it goes on for TOO long. I’m also not sure how I really feel about that, but at the time that I am writing this, I am enjoying the return to my old habits and ways. That being said, I think that will just about wrap this post up. Stay tuned for more, and in the meantime, here is Cowbobz (as of level 23).


Keeping Up with the Times

Hey guys! It’s Zeb again. I just wanted to get another post up here while in this crazy quarantine. 

So, I’ve been continuing leveling my death knight and am happy to say that the pace seems to be maintaining itself. Amontillado is level 80 as of the time of this posting and he seems to be averaging a level per dungeon. Still having just as much fun running all of the old dungeons that I remember being so difficult as I leveled Zebgora back in the day. 

THEN…I hit Pandaria. Now, don’t get me wrong, I think Panda-land is my favorite area as far as landscape goes. However, I am now remembering how much I disliked questing through it. Really, it’s the exact opposite of Outland for me, once you get away from the Dark Portal. I remember finding the questing in all the zones to be pretty fun, but the scenery was not to my liking. 

The one big plus to this, as has been the underlying theme in all of these posts so far, is that leveling by dungeon crawling seems to still be a way to go. Now, this may change once I hit level 90 or 100, but I am pleased with how far I have been able to ride this wave so far.

There may be more updates in a day or 2. Then again, there may not be. We here at Epic Shardz never know quite how the mood is going to strike on any given quarantined day. Stay tuned!


Re-Visiting Old Friends

So I have been doing a LOT of catching up on Zebgora, my main toon in the game, but also looking at the fact that I have a lot of lower-level characters as well. So, I decided to take one of my older relatively untouched characters for a spin! So here he is, Amontillado, my Blood Elf Death Knight!

As of the time this is published, I started JUST running dungeons 2 days ago and got an amazing (at least to me) 10 levels in 2 days! This has given me a chance to revisit a lot of the Wrath of the Lich King dungeons that I forgot were so much fun! It has also given me the opportunity to see that there are really good people still in this game. I have only died 3 times in this new journey so far and only 1 of those times (amazingly) has been due to my own stupidity. I jumped off the wrong area of a bridge in The Nexus and fell into the void. After swearing at myself as I fell, I released and started the long run back to re-join the group. I apologized. One of the group (and I WISH I could remember his name) said it was all good and that Poe references are always given a pass. Yes, I know it might be something very small and insignificant, but I thought it was a really cool comment.

Anyway, its back to the dungeons for me and Amontillado. Have fun out there in Azeroth and stay safe. More to come!


P.S. – This is Amontillado enjoying a well-earned feast in Dalaran. 🙂


The First Post

So here it is, the first blog post on the brand new and totally revamped Epic Shardz! I don’t really know what to cover with this post, and I certainly don’t want to make any promises on content that we can’t keep up with. I DO want to say that if all of our plans and little projects that we have been kicking around are able to come to fruition after all this time that we have been gone, it’s going to be…well…EPIC!

I guess I should probably give at least a little update as to what has been going on. Despite several twists and turns that life has taken, your two favorite trolls in all of Azeroth are back together to bring you all the entertainment that you never knew you wanted whilst you journey through the lands of Azeroth, as corrupt as they now are, what with the Old Gods being back and all.

Yes, Zebgora and Tamori are back in all their glory. Tamori has been playing a lot of WoW Classic and Zebgora has been on the retail side of things. Just because we have our focus divided doesn’t mean that we have BOTH versions covered. Fear not, for we are just as lost we ever in the World of Warcraft.

This is where we will get off the overview and into personal opinion. I will not speak for Tamori, and I will admit that you will probably hear a lot of this on the first show once we get everything up and running again, but I hopelessly addicted to this game again. I know, I know…big shock, eh? Now, I’m not saying that I play it anywhere NEAR as much as I did back in the days of those early expansions that we covered so well with the original show, but with the current state of the world and not being able to do much else outside of the house once I come home from work, the lands of Azeroth offer a certain familiar comfort that I really need right now.

I still play the same way that I used to as Blizzard has increased the number of things that there are to do with questing, world quests, dailies, dungeons, raiding, etc. Right now, Zebgora has so many open quests that I don’t know what to do first. I DO know that despite it maybe not being the most popular opinion anymore, I really like where the game seems to be at this point.

As at least some of you may remember, I really like dungeons and raiding way back when. That hasn’t changed at all, dear friends, so fear not. What HAS changed, as we players all know, is the way that you can dungeon crawl and raid. I think it is so cool that you can just jump into LFG or LFR (or both if you are into pain that way) and run random dungeons or sections of a raid area.

Anyway, you guys get the idea and I am not going to go over EVERYTHING that I still love about WoW, as I think I have to save at least something for the show. Plus, I think this post has gone on long enough, so I will wrap it up here.

It is good to be back and writing content at least. I forgot how fun it is adventuring in Azeroth while having my notebook open next to me, jotting things down as I go, because they are going to find their way here, either as a quickie note or an epic bout of RANDOM RANTING (you thought I forgot didn’t you).

Anyway, I will probably be back in a few days with another post. In the meantime, happy questing and may all your drops be epic!